Earthfood is extremely easy to apply through all irrigation systems.
This unique microbial solution has been filtered twice through the settlement period, firstly with a 100-micron mesh, and then a 140-micron mesh and therefore can be used through the finest irrigation systems.
For General Field Application
Used in existing drip lines without build-up or clogging.
Banded into the soil (shanked).
Injected into flood irrigation and no harmful runoff.
Used through overhead sprinkler systems without tip clogging.
Used through pivot heads.
Ploughed in at any stage will increases microbial activity speeding up the breakdown of crop stubble.
Applied to foliage.
Can be applied at almost any time – during ploughing or preparation, before seeding, during and after germination, during the growing process, right up to budding and/or up to 10 days before harvest!