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What kind of Earthfood Life user are you?

Select from the four options below...

Pot Plant Person

Directions for domestic use, indoor/outdoor, balconies

  1. Mix 100mls of concentrate with 6 litres of water, or, 20ml to 1 litre of water (preferably non-chlorinated, but not necessarily).
  2. Apply mixture by spraying on leaves and/or soil, every second week, or 4 times during the growing cycle of food plants.
  3. The living microbes will restructure the soil and as time goes by you will only need to apply Earthfood Life once every 3 months as a regular practice for plants to endure seasonal changes.


directions for domestic & Small Crop use

  1. Mix 100mls of concentrate with 6 litres of water, or, 20ml to 1 litre of water (preferably non-chlorinated, but not necessarily).
  2. Apply mixture by spraying on leaves and/or soil, every second week, or 4 times during the growing cycle of food plants.
  3. The living microbes will restructure the soil and as time goes by you will only need to apply Earthfood Life once every 3 months as a regular practice for plants to endure seasonal changes.


Directions for commercial and cash crops use

Earthfood Life is very easy to apply through any irrigation system or drones and in any situation. The solution has been filtered twice through the settlement period with first a 100-micron mesh and then a 140-micron mesh and can therefore be used through the finest irrigation drip lines / nozzles.

For General Field Application, Earthfood can be:

  • Used in existing drip lines without build up or clogging.
  • Banded into the soil (shanked).
  • Injected into flood irrigation without harmful runoff.
  • Used in overhead sprinkler systems without tip clogging.
  • Used in pivot heads.
  • Used with drone applications.
  • Ploughed in at any stage. Applying Earthfood at this stage increases microbial activity speeding up the breakdown of crop stubble.
  • Applied to foliage.
  • Applied in any situation, e.g. when you are ploughing, preparing, just before seeding, during germination, after germination, during the growing process right up to budding and or up to 10 days before harvest!
  • Used all year around for full beneficial results.

This application method suits all herbs, flowers, ferns, indoor potted plants, hydroponics, micro-nutrients plants, all foods, lawns/grasses and any growing plants.

A free zoom consultation or phone call with an Earthfood Soil Scientist, Horticulturist or Botanist for further details are also available for commercial use and advise, and equipment cleaning pre-use.

Commercial Farmer

Directions for commercial and industrial use

Earthfood used within the growing cycle of the plant and application* is as follows:

  1. First Application of mixed solution (must be in clean application containers) for drip, spray or irrigation. Apply to all soils designated for planting before planting.
  2. Second Application as best practice (optional) is to soak the seeds for 24 hours prior to planting.
  3. Third Application to seedlings once the first two mature leaves have been formed.
  4. Fourth Application is foliar spray 14 days later.
  5. Fifth Application foliar spray on plants when they begin to flower.
  6. Sixth Application foliar spray on plants when the fruit/vegetables begin to form.
    *Apply in the mid to late afternoon or early morning when plant is not stressed.

Commercial Application Rates

Extended information for Commercial and Industrial use

Aerial Application: Use 10 – 40 litres/hectare (1 – 4 gallons per acre) in a minimum of 40 Litres/10 gallons of water.

Soil Application: Use 20-40 litres/hectare / 190 litres  (2 – 4 gallons per acre in a minimum of 20 gallons of water) applied through any irrigation system or as a side dressing.

Foliage Application:
Use 2.5 – 5 litres / 190 litres (1 – 3 quarts per acre) in a backpack of water. Use once every 2 weeks for the first 2 months for soil rehabilitation and/or 4 times a growing cycle of the food/plant, or, as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

It is recommended that Earthfood is not applied with any other fertiliser or pesticide.

Metric Rule of Thumb: 60 Litres per Hectare per growing cycle. Assume: 20 Acres = 8 Hectares.

480 Litres for the growing cycle now divide that by 4 sprays in that cycle. 120 litres per spray for 8 Hectares. Water is only a carrier and doesn't matter how much water you mix with it as long as the 8 Hectares are receiving 120 litres per spray x 4 times of our product.

To speak with our Soil Scientist please make a booking for a one-on-one call:

See application rates below by specific crops.

Field and Vegetable Crops:

Tomatoes, Peppers & Eggplant

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage.

Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10-to-15-day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

The critical stages for foliage applications are 2-3 true leaves, pre-bloom and early cluster formation.

Broccoli, Cauliflowers, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts (Brassicas)

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application. Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage.

Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10-to-15-day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Melons, Cucumbers, Pumpkins (Cucurbits)

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare2 – 4 gallons per acre (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage.

Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10-to-15-day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Lettuce, Celery, Spinach, Endives, Parsleys & Other Leafy Crops:

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage.

Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10 to 15 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Beans, Peas & Corn

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare, (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application after thinning or at second true leaf stage.

Apply 2 to 3 subsequent applications at 10-to-15-day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application after transplanting.

Apply at 30-day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Potatoes, Carrots, Onions & Other Root & Tuber Crops

Improves foliage colour as well as tuber development. Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application after transplanting or at second true leaf stage.

Apply 1 – 2 subsequent applications at 10-to-15-day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Grapes, Hops and Other Vine Crops

Grapes, Hops

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Use once every 2 weeks for the first 2 months for soil rehabilitation and/or 4 times a growing cycle of the food/plant, or, as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Table Grapes

Make first application at bloom.

Apply subsequent applications at bunch pre-closing, veraison and 2 to 3 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Wine Grapes

Make first application at approximately 5% bloom.

Apply subsequent applications at bunch pre-closing, veraison and 2 to 3 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Kiwis & Other Cranberries

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make first application at pre-bloom.

Make subsequent applications at 30-day intervals up to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Tree Crops - Fruit, Nuts & Citrus

Almonds, Walnuts & Other Nut Crops

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application at green tip.

Make subsequent applications at 30-day intervals up to nut fill or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Plums, Nectarines & Other Stone Fruit:

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application at green tip or pink bud.

Make subsequent applications at fruit set or jacket fall, fruit thinning and 2 to 3 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Apples, Pears & Other Pome Fruits

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application at green tip.

Make subsequent applications at 30-day intervals up to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Citrus & Avocados

Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make first application at pre bloom.

Make subsequent applications at mid-crop and 3 to 4 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Use 20 – 40 litres/hectare (2 – 4 gallons per acre) per application.

Make the first application at pre-bloom.

Apply subsequent applications at 30-day intervals to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

General Precautions

Keep out of reach of children. Not to be taken. Wash hands after each use. If irritation to skin and eyes occurs, rinse with water. Earthfood is nontoxic, nonflammable, and non-hazardous.

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