Earthfood for Farmers

Earthfood for Farmers


Our aim is to encourage more farmers and local market growers, through to the larger broad-acre sector, to experience the well documented commercial and ecological benefits of microbial soil inoculants. 

To that end Earthfood has expanded our product range to include a broader span of farming sectors.


The regenerative agricultural practices aim to improve the well-being of our environment by increasing soil fertility, biodiversity, water retention and soil carbon sequestration.

Soil is active; a healthy biology which has millions of beneficial organisms living in a single gram of soil, from bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, and others.

These living micro-organisms convert the minerals and gases in the soil into bio-available nutrients for the plant roots to uptake and thicken root structure, build immunity to diseases and insects, and productively grow, and in some third-party testing show up to a 40% increase in yield.


The problem is not nitrogen shortage, it is the absence of the biological systems that can make this nitrogen available to plants.

When applying synthetic forms of nitrogen, the typical uptake rate formed in the plant is somewhere between 10-40% with the remaining 90-60% being leached into the water, volatilised into the air, or immobilised in the soil. As a result, plant health and immunity are compromised, and insects will only attack a sick plant even on fertiliser.

With Earthfood this has the opposite effect. Once the soil biology is right, the conditions become increasingly unsuitable for weeds to survive and break out. And having weeds can also tell the condition of the soil to diagnose and bring attention to imbalances in the soil.


When a plant receives the nutrients that they require for survival, artificially, it no longer continues the nutrient/sugar exchange with the soil biology. The mechanism to conserve energy is broken, the nutrient-energy exchange sites on the plant roots shut down as the plant no longer needs to trade its energy for the nutrients required for survival, and the soil biology slowly becomes starved of sugar and eventually dies.

Shut down enough of these nutrient-energy exchange sites on the plant root, and eventually, all the biology surrounding that root will die in the soil, leaving the soil virtually sterile and unable to fix nitrogen naturally from the atmosphere.

This leaves plenty of room and resources for pests and diseases to come in and take the place of the beneficial organism that have now been starved to death. This is an old farming habit to chemically cultivate pastures and farms to death. Therefore, with each round of synthetic application, the soil biology is being simultaneously killed off, starved, and becomes increasingly imbalanced. This is the underlying reason why so many farmers are struggling to maintain any form of stability with their crops, with productivity becoming more and more difficult with each year that goes by.

Changing these agricultural practices includes using cover crops, reduce tilling, rotating crops, spreading compost, and using Earthfood – Commercial Grade.

The best practice is when the farm is moved away from the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and factory farming, towards a more natural process.

As a company, we understand that is not always immediately possible, with the set up of the farm and existing products.

So we have formulations that gradually replace your existing products with Earthfood.

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