Stay posted for future events.
Currently 2025 is being finalized and this is the page where you will find the dates, times and addresses of the Earthfood Speaking Tours.
JOIN OUR COMMUNITY on the HOME page so you get the announcements closer to the times. Many thanks, Bron
APRIL TOUR: South Australia (Adelaide)
MOANA: MUSTER 8.32: Friday March 21st to Sun 23rd Moana Beach Tourism Park, 44 Nashwauk Crescent, Moana
ADELAIDE HILLS: Friday March 28, 7pm HAHNDORF Address in this 'Try Booking Link' for your ticket and details:
FLEURIEU: The Wellness Expo: Saturday, March 29, 12-2pm Middleton Pioneer Hall, 3 Walker Place, Middleton
VICTOR HARBOR: Sunday 30th, 10am Sheoak Dale, Cnr. Barton & Randall Rd, Hindmarsh Island (SMS 0412786434 before coming).
STRATHALBYN: Sunday March 30th, 3pm Carruthers Hall, Strathalbyn Showgrounds, Coronation Rd, Strathalbyn
NORALUNGA: Monday 31st, TIME TBC McLaren Vale Address TBC
FULHAM: MPAWS: Friday 4th, 6.30pm Fulham Community Centre, 19 Fitch Rd, Fulham
ADELAIDE: Saturday April 5th, 2pm Theosophical Society, 310 South Terrace, Adelaide
SOUTHERN FLINDERS: Sunday 6th, 11am, 25 Mill St, Laura
ELIZABETH PARK: Friday April 11th, 5.30pm at stall and 7pm speaking Church for You, 3 Kirk St, Elizabeth Park
MANNUM: Saturday April 12th, 2pm Schache Hall, North Terrace, Mannum Showgrounds
MURRAY BRIDGE: Sunday April 13th, 2pm Longriders, 37 Rocky Gully Rd, Murray Bridge
EDWARDSTOWN: Wednesday April 16th, 6.30 PM Maid of Auckland Hotel, 926 South Rd, Edwardstown
CLARENDON: Thursday April 17th, 7.30pm Clarendon Ag Bureau, Hazel McKenzie Hall, 30 Harper Road, Clarendon
MAY TOUR:NEW SOUTH WALES: (Sydney, Newcastle and Goulburn regions)Sydney: TBC
WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Southern State (Perth)PERTH: 15th to 24th Urban Revolution, 284 Albany Highway, Victoria Park |
MAY: VICTORIA TOUR #3: 26-30thFERNTREE GULLY: TBC Elixir Wellness Centre, Shop 1, 1174 Burwood Highway,
WATSONIA: MAY 31st Nikos Garden Centre, Watsonia Address TBC
HAMPTON: JUNE 8th 3- 5 pm World of Wellness, Uniting Church, 17 Service St, HAMPTON |
JUNE: New Zealand, North IslandLaunch of Earthfood New Zealand, Still taking bookings for groups (Biosecurity pending) |
JULY: USA (Texas, Florida, Vermont, Ohio) |
AUGUST: IRELAND (Inverness) |
SEPTEMBER: Mid Coast Queensland (Harvey Bay and region) |