Bumble bee collecting pollen from a yellow flower

Earthfood Maintain is a Chemical-Free Weed Control

The Urgent Case for Shifting Away from Glyphosate to Natural Weed Control Methods

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in many popular herbicides, has been a staple in agricultural and residential weed management for decades.

There is now more mounting evidence and endless court cases suggests that the widespread use of glyphosate is linked to many environmental and health issues. This has led to a critical re-evaluation of its safety and efficacy, prompting the search for safer, sustainable alternatives like Earthfood's glyphosate-free weed terminator made from 100% hand tapped pine oil.

Understanding Glyphosate and Its Implications

Glyphosate works by inhibiting a specific enzyme pathway essential for plant growth, which is why it's so effective as a non-selective herbicide. This impact extends far beyond targeted weed species:

  1. Environmental Impact: Research has shown that glyphosate can persist in soil and water longer than previously anticipated. Its presence in various ecosystems can lead to reduced biodiversity, particularly affecting aquatic life and beneficial soil microorganisms crucial for nutrient cycling and soil fertility. Waterways and reefs are wholistically effected killing reef structure and fishes, water-life in streams, water health and all you drink water.

  2. Health Risks: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO), classified glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic in humans" based on evidence linking it to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in exposed individuals. Additionally, there are concerns about glyphosate’s potential endocrine-disrupting effects and its impact on human gut microbiota, which is vital for immune function and overall health. Nervous system and brain health are effected and causing issues like Autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancers and diseases associated with the nervous system. 

  3. Resistance Issues: The overuse of glyphosate has led to the emergence of glyphosate-resistant weed species, compelling farmers to use higher doses or combine it with other chemicals, further exacerbating its environmental and health impacts. This could be the reason why so many farmers are unable to attain crop volumes or the 1960s/70s eras when was not available until after the Vietnam War of 1970s. This is Agent Orange and versions of it as patented by Monsanto then.

  4. Compacts the Soil: Glyphosate is iminodiacetic acid, formaldehyde (known human carcinogen) and phosphorous acid and sometimes phosphorous trichloride. Glyphosate is an acid molecular solution. Because of this it kills the soil microbiome and soil insects/animals, the pollinating animals birds, butterflies, bees and beetles and insects, and without the living microbes in the ground the 'glue' is taken out of the soil particles. This means the soil dries out, and is blown away with wind through the stratosphere even to other countries. e.g. soil from Egypt is in France, soil from Australia is in New Zealand. Effective it creates dead dirt, perfect for fire ants, pesky weeds exponentially growing year by year because that is their job to grow for Earth surface protection as all else is gone., The more weeds killed off in the dry conditions the more that return from the seeds. 

The Case for Pine Oil: A Sustainable Alternative

In response to the challenges posed by glyphosate, Earthfood has a revolutionary product, Earthfood Maintain, utilizing the natural herbicidal properties of pine oil. Here’s why pine oil is an effective and preferable alternative:

  1. Mode of Action: Pine oil, derived through the distillation of pine tree parts, contains compounds that naturally disrupt the cell membranes of plants, leading to rapid desiccation and death of the target weeds. Unlike glyphosate, pine oil acts quickly and degrades rapidly in the environment, minimizing long-term ecological risks.

  2. Safety Profile: Pine oil does not carry the carcinogenic risks associated with glyphosate. It is not harmful to humans and wildlife, aligning with increased consumer demand for eco-friendly and health-conscious products.

  3. Efficacy and Soil Health: Studies have shown that natural herbicides like pine oil not only effectively manage weeds but also contribute positively to soil health by not harming beneficial microbes and worms. This is crucial for sustainable agriculture, which relies on robust soil ecosystems to support plant growth and crop productivity. Fertile living soil with living microbes means soil is moist, sweet to smell, cool to touch and aerated. Fire ants don't like and neither do weeds. Pesky weeds will not take root and grow.

Moving Forward: The Role of Consumers and Regulators

The transition to sustainable weed management requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders:

  • Regulatory bodies must re-evaluate and update policies to encourage the use of environmentally friendly herbicides.
  • Agricultural professionals and gardeners should be educated about the benefits of switching to natural alternatives like Earthfood Maintain.
  • Consumers play a critical role by demanding more sustainable and safer products, driving market change.

As It Stands

The evidence mounts against glyphosate, it is clear that the future of weed management should steer away from chemical reliance towards more natural and sustainable practices.

Earthfood Maintain represents a pivotal step in this direction, offering a viable and environmentally responsible alternative that promises not only to protect our planet but also to ensure the health and safety of future generations.

By choosing Earthfood Maintain, consumers and professionals alike can contribute to a broader movement towards ecological stewardship and sustainable living.

Safe around areas where children and pets play

Earthfood Maintain is a non-selective weed killer that works fast on contact with the weed to rapidly desiccate and suffocates weeds.

This Hand Tapped Pine Oil can be used anywhere around the house including garden beds, veggie patches, paths and driveways, and is safe around areas where children and pets play and perfectly safe.


  •   Visible symptoms on some weed species after 1 hour.
  •   Certified Organic 100% organic by NASAA and Australia Organic Certified Allowed Input #801
  •   Controls a wide range of common weeds and grasses.
  •   Non-residual so it will break down in the soil within 72 hrs.
  •   Kills both weeds and their seeds.
  •   Safe around children, pets, vegetables and gardens.
  •   Synthetic chemical-free and glyphosate-free.
  •   Owned and made in Australia.
  •   Sustainably sourced hand tapped pine oil as its active ingredient.

Earthfood Maintain works fast

Simply spray until dripping on the targeted weed. You will see the weeds begin to wilt and go off colour in minutes.

Please Note: Be careful not to spray on your plants as Earthfood Maintain will kill any plant it contacts.

Control both the weed and seed

It is the only natural weed control to kill both the weed and seeds, providing you with long term results.

Earthfood Maintain provides fast and effective control of weeds and grasses in rockeries, garden beds, paths, driveways, along fence lines and lawn edges.

And why choose natural weed control solutions?

Earthfood Maintain is approved by NASAA, ACO, and APVMA for use around organic farms and organic food production.



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